Here are two interiors from a comic book project that I am working on. I have been working on this for several months. I encountered the writers offer on Craiglist and have been working to realize his vision. It is a little bit different way of working as I have the text as a place to start from.
With these two interiors, the next step is to add characters, but the drawings have turned out so well that I thought to preserve their quality before I draw in the characters. Every page of the comic seems to illicit and call for new strategies. With this page, I have sought to methodically plan it all out before drawing it on the paper.

I did some googling for source images for the apartment interior and exteriors. I anticipate tracing these frames a second time once the characters are drawn in, as erasing lines has proven to be an arduous task that never completely works with scanned image. This means that the scanned result has to be cleaned up with photoshop.
Redrawing these details will evolve the scene somehow interestingly...